PancakeBunny Announces Immunefi Bounty Awards

Bunny Finance
Aug 26, 2021


Hello Bunny Fam!

We are excited to announce that we have awarded our first Immunefi bounties! Specifically, we awarded one high level bounty ($40k) related to our Bunny Pots and one critical level bounty ($250k) related to access control. Both issues have been fully resolved, and we are glad to see that our multi-layered approach to code review — one that combines continuous audits, aggressive bounties, and testnet deployment — is already improving ecosystem security.

Feel free to check the tx hash of our bounty awards below.



And as always, Bunny Fam, Keep Calm and HOP ON!



Bunny Finance

One of the most popular auto-compounding yield aggregators on the Binance Smart Chain.